Intellectual Property Securities

a securitization service and a financial product provided by the Intellectual Property Securities Corporation (IPSE), specializes in transforming intellectual property (IP) assets into Intellectual Property Securities (IPS). This process enables IP creators and owners to monetize their assets by offering them as securities to investors.

The three primary types of IPS are:

Intellectual Property Licensing Shares (IPLS)

Intellectual Property Licensing Shares (IPLS) represent an innovative financial instrument in the investment landscape, created by Marc Deschenaux. This novel class of securities introduces a unique blend of licensing assignment and pass-through elements,

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By offering these diverse IPS options, Securitizor facilitates the monetization of intellectual property, providing IP holders with innovative financing solutions/ and investors with unique opportunities to participate in the IP market.
Intellectual property securities

Intellectual Property Securities

We can legitimately wonder whether the traditional securities are sufficient to answering the modern investor’s needs, Are not you fed up to invest in basket of securities or in large fortune 500 companies that are baskets of subsidiaries?

Upto now, securitizing intellectual property only meant using it as collateral like David Pullman the banker who created and sold the Bowie bonds also known as Pullman bonds. These bonds were asset-backed securities which used the current and future revenue from albums recorded by musician David Bowie as collateral.

Imagine the possibility of investing selectively in one movie, one patent, one song, one book, one design you truly believe in. Imagine getting rid of most of the dark side human factor, like poor management or excessive spending… would not it be great?

Enters my invention: Intellectual Property Securities or “IPS“!

General Information

Intellectual Property Data Entry

Securitizor is revolutionizing the way intellectual property (IP) owners and creators finance their intellectual assets. This innovative platform allows producers, inventors, and creators to securely enter, track,

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